Reading Time
This feature is enabled by default.
Code related to the disabled features will not be included in your site's bundle files.
The reading time estimation will be shown on the head of the article by default, supported by plugin-reading-time.
theme: gungnirTheme({
themePlugins: {
readingTime: {
excludes: ["/url1", "/url2/.*"], // exclude pages by their path via a regular expression (optional, default: [])
includes : ["/url1", "/url2/.*"], // include pages by their path via a regular expression, if `includes` is specified, `excludes` will be ignored (optional, default: [])
wordsPerMinuteCN: 500, // number of Chinese words per minute a user can read (optional, default: 300)
wordsPerMinuteEN: 200, // number of English words per minute a user can read (optional, default: 160)
excludeCodeBlock: true, // exclude all content inside code blocks or not (optional, default: false)
excludeTexBlock: true // exclude all content inside tex blocks or not (optional, default: false)
You can override reading time in the front matter of each article by:
title: Hello Word
readingTime: { minutes: 3 }
Or if you want to disable this feature:
theme: gungnirTheme({
themePlugins: {
readingTime: false