This feature is disabled by default.
Code related to the disabled features will not be included in your site's bundle files.
Giscus is supported as the third party comment system, which is powered by GitHub Discussions.
- Create a public Github repository and enable Discussions for it
- Install Giscus app
- Browse Giscus's website and generate your repo id, category id and other things on the website
theme: gungnirTheme({
themePlugins: {
giscus: {
repo: "[repo]", // required, string, format: user_name/repo_name
repoId: "[repo id]", // required, string, generate it on Giscus's website
category: "[category name]", // required, string
categoryId: "[category id]", // required, string, generate it on Giscus's website
mapping: "[page <-> discussion mapping]", // optional, string, default="title"
reactionsEnabled: "[enable reactions or not?]", // optional, boolean, default=true
lang: "[language]", // optional, string, default="auto" (follow the site's language, fall to "en" if your site's language is not supported by Giscus)
lazyLoad: true, // optional, boolean, default=false (if true, loading of Giscus will be deferred until the user scrolls near the comments container)
crossorigin: "[crossorigin]", // optional, string, default="anonymous"
theme: "[theme for light mode]", // optional, string, default="light"
darkTheme: "[theme for dark mode]" // optional, string, default="dark_dimmed"
and darkTheme
option could be a custom theme (a URL to a CSS file).
Refer to the plugin-giscus for more information.