* @module sync-protocol
import * as encoding from 'lib0/encoding.js'
import * as decoding from 'lib0/decoding.js'
import * as Y from 'yjs'
* 导入的lib0包提供了一些常用方法,由于我没用过所以我们这里只关注使用到的方法做了些什么
* encoding:提供二进制编码方法
* decoding:提供二进制解码方法**/
* @typedef {Map<number, number>} StateMap
* * Core Yjs defines two message types:
* • YjsSyncStep1: Includes the State Set of the sending client. When received, the client should reply with YjsSyncStep2.
* • YjsSyncStep2: Includes all missing structs and the complete delete set. When received, the client is assured that it
* received all information from the remote client.
* yjs主要约定了两个核心消息类型:
* • YjsSyncStep1: 消息中包括了发送方客户端的状态集合。当接收到时,客户端应该回复 YjsSyncStep2类型的消息。
* • YjsSyncStep2: 该消息包括了所有缺失的数据结构和完整的删除集合。当接收到时,代表发送方客户端已经接收到了来自远程客户端的所有信息。
* In a peer-to-peer network, you may want to introduce a SyncDone message type. Both parties should initiate the connection
* with SyncStep1. When a client received SyncStep2, it should reply with SyncDone. When the local client received both
* SyncStep2 and SyncDone, it is assured that it is synced to the remote client.
* 除了上述两种消息类型外,在点对点网络中,我们也可以额外引入一个名为 "SyncDone" 的消息类型。双方中有一方想发起通信时应该使用 "SyncStep1" 开始连接。而当一个客户端收到 "SyncStep2" 时,表示发送的消息被成功接受,这时我们可以回复 "SyncDone",表示本次通信结束。当本地客户端同时收到 "SyncStep2" 和 "SyncDone" 时,可以确保它已经与远程客户端同步完成。
* 在客户端对服务器的模式中,处理的方式会有一些不同:客户端同样通过发送YjsSyncStep1类型的消息来发起一次通信,当都服务器收到YjsSyncStep1消息时,服务器应该立即回复YjsSyncStep2类型的消息,然后再回复SyncStep1消息。同样的当客户端收到SyncStep1也是如此。我们同样可以额外引入一个SyncDone类型的消息来表示通信结束,
* 这种通信方式更为复杂,可以应用于下面两种情况:
* In a client-server model, you want to handle this differently: The client should initiate the connection with SyncStep1.
* When the server receives SyncStep1, it should reply with SyncStep2 immediately followed by SyncStep1. The client replies
* with SyncStep2 when it receives SyncStep1. Optionally the server may send a SyncDone after it received SyncStep2, so the
* client knows that the sync is finished. There are two reasons for this more elaborated sync model: 1. This protocol can
* easily be implemented on top of http and websockets. 2. The server shoul only reply to requests, and not initiate them.
* Therefore it is necesarry that the client initiates the sync.
* Construction of a message:
* [messageType : varUint, message definition..]
* 一个消息的结构可能是这样的:[messageType : varUint, message definition..]
* Note: A message does not include information about the room name. This must to be handled by the upper layer protocol!
* 注意消息中不要包含房间名称,这种敏感信息应该交由上层协议处理。
* stringify[messageType] stringifies a message definition (messageType is already read from the bufffer)
// 定义消息类型
export const messageYjsSyncStep1 = 0
export const messageYjsSyncStep2 = 1
// yjs更新消息
export const messageYjsUpdate = 2
* Create a sync step 1 message based on the state of the current shared document.
* 根据当前共享文档的状态创建消息类型为messageYjsSyncStep1的消息
* @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder
* @param {Y.Doc} doc
export const writeSyncStep1 = (encoder, doc) => {
*encoding.writeVarUint(encoder: module:encoding.Encoder, num: number) 写一个可变长度的无符号整数。可编码的最大整数为2^53。
*encoding.writeVarUint8Array(encoder: module:encoding.Encoder, uint8Array: Uint8Array) 将一个Uint8Array附加到编码中。*/
encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, messageYjsSyncStep1)
const sv = Y.encodeStateVector(doc)
encoding.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, sv)
* @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder 编码器
* @param {Y.Doc} doc 共享文档
* @param {Uint8Array} [encodedStateVector] 文档向量
export const writeSyncStep2 = (encoder, doc, encodedStateVector) => {
encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, messageYjsSyncStep2)
encoding.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(doc, encodedStateVector))
* Read SyncStep1 message and reply with SyncStep2.
* 读取SyncStep1信息并回复SyncStep2消息
* @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder The reply to the received message 对收到消息的答复
* @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder The received message 收到的消息
* @param {Y.Doc} doc
export const readSyncStep1 = (decoder, encoder, doc) =>
*decoding.readVarUint8Array(decoder: module:decoding.Decoder): Uint8Array 读取Uint8Array数据 */
writeSyncStep2(encoder, doc, decoding.readVarUint8Array(decoder))
* Read and apply Structs and then DeleteStore to a y instance.
* 读取并应用结构,然后从y实例中删除Store。
* @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
* @param {Y.Doc} doc
* @param {any} transactionOrigin
export const readSyncStep2 = (decoder, doc, transactionOrigin) => {
Y.applyUpdate(doc, decoding.readVarUint8Array(decoder), transactionOrigin)
* @description 写入更新消息
* @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder
* @param {Uint8Array} update
export const writeUpdate = (encoder, update) => {
encoding.writeVarUint(encoder, messageYjsUpdate)
encoding.writeVarUint8Array(encoder, update)
* Read and apply Structs and then DeleteStore to a y instance.
* @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder
* @param {Y.Doc} doc
* @param {any} transactionOrigin
export const readUpdate = readSyncStep2
* @param {decoding.Decoder} decoder A message received from another client 需要解码的消息,来自其他客户端或服务器
* @param {encoding.Encoder} encoder The reply message. Will not be sent if empty.需要发送的消息,消息为空将不会被发送
* @param {Y.Doc} doc 本地的doc
* @param {any} transactionOrigin 本地的provider
export const readSyncMessage = (decoder, encoder, doc, transactionOrigin) => {
const messageType = decoding.readVarUint(decoder)
switch (messageType) {
case messageYjsSyncStep1:
readSyncStep1(decoder, encoder, doc)
case messageYjsSyncStep2:
readSyncStep2(decoder, doc, transactionOrigin)
case messageYjsUpdate:
readUpdate(decoder, doc, transactionOrigin)
throw new Error('Unknown message type')
return messageType